
SEO Organic Growth Means Stay In Your Lane — Cabana Digitals

Jumpstart Your Organic Growth

Article writing of course is the best way, see I’m doing that now and guess what you are reading this! So each time you invest a little effort to write a article or blog post about something of importance and relevance you are investing in your return. I have said it once and I’ll say it again. Organic growth on your website is not a fast way to produce leads. This takes time to build out your processes for long term growth. So this number one way is to make sure your SEO is hitting the mark.

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Is Your Website Working For Organic Growth — Cabana Digitals

Organic Growth, Not the Plants

You know trying to write blogs about website development is about as boring as you can get unless you are a technology geek. So trying to explain things about websites to get people to read my blogs is kind of a moot point but hey you are here so that means you found me. I tried to add a little humor to my blogs because like I said it is boring to talk about tech stuff and website elements.

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Are You Holding Back Your Own Success

Is Something Holding Your Back From Success?

I do business websites all the time. Some of my clients have done their due diligence and know the 4 steps and are ready to roll. Some individuals think they can wing it and do it all on their own. Let me tell you folks I’ve been in the business long enough now to know that without a rock solid website that ranks you will not get the traffic you want or the sales you need to life that dream lifestyle. As a designer, it’s clear when people contact me about a business website whether they have the money set aside, or if they even want to spend the money on a website. Good luck.

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What You Need To Know When You Build Your Website — Cabana Digitals

Website Building Part 2

Your website is only as effective and successful as you make build it. To find out if it is really working for you one of the key factors to this is to analyze the data that comes in. What do I mean? If you are DIYing this website you may not know that you need to have tracking on this through multiple channels to understand what traffic and end user is coming to your website. Are you attracting the right audience?

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Baseball and Business What A Combination — Cabana Digitals

Let’s Talk Baseball and Business Success

So, in the bullpen you have all your potential clients and they’re coming up to bat. What does that mean? That means they’re coming too your website. How are you going to pitch to them? If you have a solid business plan, a social media manager or an email expert, again that’s the training, when you pitched to them it could be out of the park.

If you are doing email marketing or any lead generation and you are not using a professional and you are winging it, chances are you are going to throw that ball wild. You may have a few hits from it, but never consistent.

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Website Builders May Not Be The Answer — Cabana Digitals

Wonderful World of Website Builders

Most of the do-it-yourself website’s do not have or even allow for SEO. So, no matter how wonderful all the other three elements above might be or that you just do not care, this one should matter. Why? Because if you do not show up on Google, Bing, or any search engine you might as well just have no website at all. Think about that you, are paying money to not get noticed. They don’t offer the tools you need now to rank, because no amount of great copy is going to get your recognition.

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Don't get stuck in the mud with your website

Knees Deep ~ Stuck Website

Remember, the different ways you try to get yourself out of the mud, that’s what makes you a great businessperson. Because hey, you’ve attempted it. You tried it, it didn’t work. You experienced the “trys”, it didn’t work. However, you’re not going to forget it. Every business built has tried to chase those tadpoles, some succeed other’s sink. Keep your feet firmly planted in your boat and don’t try to chase all the bright shiny tadpoles. Those tadpoles can wait.

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Unbranded Website

Unbranded – Website

Way to go you amazing DIYer. You built a fantastic beautify website with content and everything! Great beginning, well done. I love the 8 colors you used for the “pop” effect. And the clown face on the home page. Also love the background of the beautiful Rocky Mountains on your social. But can you tell me what that has to do with getting my carpets cleaned from Shoot Straight Carpet Cleaners? Oops, branding and website mistake number one.

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