Website Makeovers

Hey small business owner, let’s schedule a makeover for your website. You work hard and schedule time for yourself, right? Like ladies probably get nails, hairstyles, and massages (if you are lucky) and guys, well, they tend to self-care by golfing, fishing, hunting and hitting the gym or local barbershop.

Guess what? Your business website needs a care package too. Heck, your website might need a complete spa day makeover to spruce it up!
Is your website over 5 years old?

You started your small business and built a website to get you going, now your 5 years into the business. From the infancy stage to the childhood stage, things change a lot when starting out. Have you kept up with the demands of the internet? Is your website still reflective of your business? In the past 5 years, good ole Google has made a lot of changes in algorithms.

Everyone, or I should say almost everyone when creating their first website either DIYers or hire small. Most of the time the designs are a bit substandard for coding and SEO purposes. But hey, you got the website going right, you’re all legit. Did you remember to maintain it or did you build it and just walk away? Is it time to give it a spa day complete with a new wrap?

Website makeover for Handersen Publishing
We decided to focus on the appearance to bring in more writers and that meant making it a bit more child friendly, warm and fuzzy. They have a great selection of books at Handersen Publishing and we want to be able to bring that more inline with users coming to purchase the books. We brought the USP up to the front so those that landed on the page knew instantly what they were about and who it would appeal to. Next, we added the “emotional” trigger with the little girl reading her books. We also wanted content that immediately told users who Handersen Publishing is and what it brings to the publishing world. Followed that by their best sellers, and other great value-added books and items. All and all this was a great website redesign and perfect makeover. The website now flows and the titles are easy to read. All our websites at Cabana Digitals are built with SEO in mind. Our team did an analysis of keywords and used our applications to create a great list of SEO based keywords to help with ranking the website. In the publishing world there are soo soo many big publishers out there that there are no guarantees that the smaller business like this can rank beyond page 5. We do the best we can in a flooded marketing. That leads me to when it comes to the website don’t just leave it hanging there, be sure to market your business with social media strategies and a full marketing plan. If your small business needs a website upgrade makeover, contact us and we will work with you to budget something that brings you a more professional well designed website. You should always strive to have a B or better in Googles Core Web Vitals so your website isn’t passed over when it’s crawled.
Website Makeovers Grade in Google
For a quick overview of what Google sees to to GTMetrix, enter your URL and see what it says your grade is. We offer small business owners a great rate to upgrade, facelift, and makeover your website. Give us a call or contact us today to get a customized bid. Our starting prices are $ 900 and up. See affordable and worth the redesign to stay in the game. Till later… enjoy the rest of your summer.