Business Strategy

How to Know if You have a Good Website Developer — Cabana Digitals

How to Know if You have a Good Website Developer

Oh boy this is the blog that may call me out! Look I know I’m not for everyone, and I truly am out to help all my small businesses. With that said, I’m not looking for big businesses, meaning multiple locations big box stores or huge corporate offices with 100’s of employees. So, when evaluating the design skills of a website developer is crucial to ensure that your website not only functions well but also looks visually appealing.

Here are some ways to determine if a website developer you are looking at for your business’s website is also a good designer:

How to Know if You have a Good Website Developer Read More »

Is Your Website Working For Organic Growth — Cabana Digitals

Organic Growth, Not the Plants

You know trying to write blogs about website development is about as boring as you can get unless you are a technology geek. So trying to explain things about websites to get people to read my blogs is kind of a moot point but hey you are here so that means you found me. I tried to add a little humor to my blogs because like I said it is boring to talk about tech stuff and website elements.

Organic Growth, Not the Plants Read More »

Are You Holding Back Your Own Success

Is Something Holding Your Back From Success?

I do business websites all the time. Some of my clients have done their due diligence and know the 4 steps and are ready to roll. Some individuals think they can wing it and do it all on their own. Let me tell you folks I’ve been in the business long enough now to know that without a rock solid website that ranks you will not get the traffic you want or the sales you need to life that dream lifestyle. As a designer, it’s clear when people contact me about a business website whether they have the money set aside, or if they even want to spend the money on a website. Good luck.

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