Walk Away Branded Content
What does walk away branded content mean on your website? Well, honestly it is kind of means a lot and is a big deal. I’m going to just touch on it in this post, but you should walk away with a better understanding of what is needed and how it works. We use branded content for really pushing your website over the edge to beat competitors. First, know your products, what issues or problems do those products solve for the end user and who you are wanting to target as that customer. See these examples:

Wow, I landed on your website for a beach towel. I’m looking around but there are a ton of ads and while I’m on the home page I’m seeing a lot of beach related stuff, some of it is local area related. Where the heck is that cool towel I saw in the search? I don’t need a restaurant or even those nifty looking sunglasses. I’m three deep still can’t find that beach towel, I’m out of here.

Wow, I landed on your website for a beach towel. I’m looking around but there are a ton of ads and while I’m on the home page I’m seeing a lot of beach related stuff, some of it is local area related. Where the heck is that cool towel I saw in the search? I don’t need a restaurant or even those nifty looking sunglasses. I’m three deep still can’t find that beach towel, I’m out of here.
Those 5W’s ~ Let’s Break This Down For Your Website Now
Are you already lost? If so, stop now and contact us because this means you haven’t worked through the process of business strategies for your website or marketing, even your business.
Otherwise, let’s start with that same ole line that branding and marketing walk together hand and hand down the growth road. When thinking about the marketing aspect there is no one-size-fits all solutions because every business is completely different. Unless you are cheating and copying someone else’s entire website and marketing strategies, which of course is a huge no-no.
Your 5W’s will determine your perfect customer and what you can do for them. Your website is constructed around those 5W’s to build out your brand and target your audience. And that my friends, leads to sales, which leads to money that then takes you on a trip to your own cabana.
SEO in Your Branded Content on Your Website
Through the use of effective search engine optimization on all your website pages you can appear in the top website for a particular product. It isn’t an easy feat for sure and it doesn’t happen over night but the more traffic to your website through your marketing efforts and having a top-notch website takes you one step closer.
Invest the time and some of your money into making sure that you are complete optimized, it is a completely different strategy on a website. Or make sure you hire a website company that is doing optimization for keywords and social strategies during the build, like well, me.
Digital Footprint for Branded Content
Okay we’ve covered the importance of branded content on the website. As a remember your website ties it all together so what does this mean for the social media channels you ask, well let’s cover that. When you are doing marketing, you need to follow these rules:
What is your audience’s NEED: Identify through keyword research and social hashtags. Have your social media manager do this or if you don’t have one Cabana Digitals does. She’s amazing, hire her.
Craft the branded MESSAGE: Speak to your customer’s need through a well crafted and branded message that reflects our business and fills their need. What’s your voice? Does it resonate with your buyers? This might take a bit of rewriting as you go but always stick with the original messaging.
Get more by GATHERING: Run a campaign, find out what is driving them and how you can meet their needs and go beyond their expectations. Test and re-test content and images. Find out what works what doesn’t. Deliver outstanding service and get the feedback.
We talked about trust with branding briefly in another post, Unbranded Website. However, I want to bring up the fact that being transparent about your services or your products, whether online or in marketing through social media goes along way into building trust. If it’s made in Mexico, state that. If it’s made with specific materials let your audience know. Talking about a service, be sure to tell them what you can do and what you can’t do. End user’s matter and you do not want to miss a lead because you misrepresented your product. Good imaging and content will drive validation of your brand and increase trust, which we all know by now increases lead to a sale.
Cold Hard Truth
No matter what you do, how much you spend on your website if you do not have solid business strategy that has branding don’t hope for much traffic. A quality, high traffic driven brand content message will deliver amazing results and it all starts with 3 things:\
A business strategy meeting to discuss branding and messaging. Do this with your business coach, your website developer and your social media manager. This is your foundation.
A website built around your 5W’s, with a focus on end user experience and built to drive traffic. But not just pretty. It need to be functional, the back end needs to meet the CWV and be optimized.
Use a social media strategy that ties your business, the website and your products together is essential. Created in a perfect branded image to your target audience to make them smile.
Without these items and the knowledge to make it happen, you will need a lot of prayer and maybe some miracles from, The Secret book so that the universe sends you leads. Just saying.
You’ve just learned a lot about branded content, now walk away and reflect.
Cabana Digitals teams up with DeBella DeBall Design for social media strategies and marketing.