Let's Talk Baseball and Business Success
So, this is another one of my crazy analogies. But while I was watching baseball this summer with my grandson, I got to thinking about what a pitcher means in business success. Yah, I know it’s a
rather strange analogy, but if you think of baseball in a reverse fashion where the pitcher is wanting the batter to hit the ball, it makes perfect sense. Aren’t you glad you aren’t inside this brain!
I’ll break it down:
Your business is the Pitcher.
The Ball is your purpose, lead magnet, your “want” for your website or end user.
The Batters or the other team is your end users or your soon to be clients.
The Bases are the funnels for your email.
The Bullpen are your leads.
Plate is your website
The Play – Fastball to Business Success
When you think about your business with you as the pitcher, sometimes you pitch a fast ball and sometimes you pitch a slow one. Your pitches are always different and they’re going to your clients. So, what if you pitch a crazy ball what does that mean? I think we call “crazy balls” what they are fouls. Those are the ones that business tries to do by themselves. They aren’t focused on the business end game when they pitch it. And the pitched ball goes all over the place missing the batter. Hence, the batter doesn’t know where to swing the bat. Also doesn’t know what to do because he cannot connect with the ball. Remember the ball is your purpose. If it doesn’t have clarity and focus when executed well, it ends up as a wild ball. And that means no connection with the client (the batter).
As the pitcher sometimes you can throw it to first and sometimes you can throw it a second, we’ll call those bases the funnels, let’s say the batter makes contact and then moves on to first base. First base sends out a signal, or an email in this case, that says send them on to second. You get my point here.
Baseball and business a sweet combination when thinking about your business.
Sometimes when you pitch if you have the right arm and you’ve worked out or you’ve practiced and you’re focused you pitch those balls perfect every time. That’s the professionals, like us. Focused on what your business needs and throwing perfect pitches to connect with the batter every time to get them to move on.
Batter hits the ball, connects with it, and runs on to first base. Now you have your first interaction with that client, right? When that batter, client, gets on base and gets that first email you want that batter to run through all the bases and come home completing your sale. OK it’s a little far stretched but kind of makes sense, doesn’t it? Remember, we are reverse playing where the batter needs to come home.
Sometimes when you pitch if you have the right arm and you’ve worked out or you’ve practiced and you’re focused you pitch those balls perfectly every time. That’s the professionals, like us. Focused on what your business needs and throwing perfect pitches to connect with the batter every time to get them to move on.

The batter hits the ball, connects with it, and runs on to first base. Now you have your first interaction with that client, right? When that batter, the client, gets on base and gets that first email you want that batter to run through all the bases and come home completing your sale. OK it’s a little far stretched but kind of makes sense, doesn’t it? Remember, we are reverse playing where the batter needs to come home.
Bullpen of Leads
So, in the bullpen you have all your potential clients and they’re coming up to bat. What does that mean? That means they’re coming too your website. How are you going to pitch to them? If you have a solid business plan, a social media manager or an email expert, again that’s the training, when you pitched to them it could be out of the park.
If you are doing email marketing or any lead generation and you are not using a professional and you are winging it, chances are you are going to throw that ball wild. You may have a few hits from it, but never consistent.
So when you’re thinking about your when they step up to the plate , you throw them the ball make sure it’s the perfect pitch so that they can connect with you and move on. Bring them home for the final sale.
In the bullpen of business when it comes to your digital marketing.
Having a lead magnet and email marketing professional help you and make sure your business is trained to effectively pitch your business will lead you to success. Cabana Digitals works with Mona Designs to create that performance you are looking for in your business. Bring on the teams and create wins with end users through strategic, effective email marketing funnels that signal them to move forward.
Having a lead magnet and email marketing professional help you and make sure your business is trained to effectively pitch your business will lead you to success. Cabana Digitals works with Mona Designs to create that performance you are looking for in your business. Bring on the teams and create wins with end users through strategic, effective email marketing funnels that signal them to move forward. Contact Us.