Unbranded - Website
Wait, I love my crazy unbranded website.
Way to go you amazing DIYer. You built a fantastic beautify website with content and everything! Great beginning, well done. I love the 8 colors you used for the “pop” effect. And the clown face on the home page. Also love the background of the beautiful Rocky Mountains on your social. But can you tell me what that has to do with getting my carpets cleaned from Shoot Straight Carpet Cleaners? Oops, branding and website mistake number one.
Visualize Branding
Take a minute to close your eyes, kick back, think of some of the brands you know. Even back when I was a kid (a minute ago or so), I could see Tony the Tiger and I knew what cereal and company. I would see Nike ads and the logo and phrase comes to mind. What about some local businesses that have left an imprint that you can’t forget? I’ve seen the signs around here for a heating and cooling company that says, “Your Wife Is HOT”, we can help!” What a fabulous tagline/slogan. That catches everyone’s attention. Big beer companies to small mom and pops all need consistent and quality branding. If you are just starting out in business, it’s imperative that you put your branding strategy together with your newly developed web design.
Branding First, Brandy Later
At Cabana Digitals we put business strategies and branding at the very top of our calls and interaction with you. Your branding sets the look and the feel of your website. Including, font styles, messaging tone, logo, colors. We build out a complete branded guide to follow when building your website.
Branding is YOU. It is your identity. Your website is your sales and magical portal to all your potential and current customers. It is also a place of information about you, your products and what you have to offer. Right? So, it’s tough to build a website without having that baseline to build from when we are not sure of the intention. Companies don’t typically think about the W’s very often and you could be losing prospects if they land on your page, but they end up in a state of confusion, so they bounce out.
So, we make that first. Many businesses don’t think about how important this step is at the beginning. Because they don’t think about how it needs to be branded across EVERYTHING that you do from marketing materials, social media platforms to T-shirts and hats.
Elements of Branding for Your Website
Your logo speaks. Yes, it does, even if it’s just subliminal. My logo I hope feels free, promotes calm, but strong letters with only three-color use. Cabana takes you to one instantly in your mind. When you think about a cabana, hopefully it’s a good experience. Plus, that’s where I personally would love to be, but the ocean is part of my calm. Digitals suggest I do something well, in the digital world. It needs to be memorable to anyone landing here. There are times I have gone to a super website, loved everything about their products and services to later forget the name of company. Thank God we have browser history. So, choosing a logo is important. Simple, strong, convey a feeling. Remember that logo is going to be everywhere for a very long time.
This is one of the harder pieces of branding to wrap your head around. First, it’s more of an awareness for your company and the services. How to build that trust is through cross channel consistency without wavering. Basically, you need to keep your branding theme and intent the same or you look a bit, unorganized or flaky. We are talking about appearance on the front end of all website and marketing, blogs can waver a bit but if you have a strong social media manager you learn to weave it into the website and social.
Value and trust in my opinion go hand in hand. Create good emotions. Otherwise, it will flop because who needs negative thoughts? Buying or service experience should be positive and with that positive experience provide them with premium service or product. Feel goods on both sides combine to build a better website through that branding.
We have talked about a big above but let’s expand a bit on this one. A campaign is your advertising whether that is through email, online or on the streets. Marketing is the whole of that and a campaign is just one product of marketing. In order to beat out that competitive market you are in you need to market. And guess what that is going to be through your branded channels.
Aside from this obvious way, if you start to spend money to drive traffic to your website that will be branded as well. When they land on your page that resembles your campaign, they know they are at the right place. It promotes your business stability and send the message for consumer awareness that says, “Look Here I Am”.
Unbranded Website Gone ~ Grab the Brandy

As you can see everything ties together when it comes to branding and your website, the hub of all things happening. Your branding is literally infused into your website and marketing. How individuals get to your website through whatever traffic channel, whether that is paid or organic leads everything is branded and leads them back to your website. Which then reinstates the branded message and gives your users something to remember. When your customer remember they come back, spread the word to others because they remembered your branding.
It’s an incredible circle of branding awesomeness! As my grandson would say: “That’s Drip”. See why you need that brandy now.
Hope this was some good information and not to full of “yawns”.
If you need help with branding we are here. Together with DeBella DeBall Designs or the full boat help of The Digital Trifecta lady boss team we have you covered. Just click the link below and let’s bet you branded!